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A busy week of activities at Silverpoint Court Residential Care Home

World Chocolate Day

On Thursday 7 July we were excited to celebrate World Chocolate Day at Silverpoint Court Residential Care Home, which was a great success as everyone was keen to participate!

All our residents and staff enjoyed our sweet kebabs covered in melted chocolate – very messy but great fun!

Move It or Lose It

We’ve enjoyed one of our active seated exercise classes recently, when we gave out certificates to our residents who always come and participate.

Well done to Albert, John, Shelia, Malcolm, Flo, Alan, Joyce C, Jean and Ivy. Keep up the great work!

Keeping hydrated

We took our hydration trolley around our Home on Friday 8 July, with a choice of refreshing apple or cranberry juice, which went down well with everyone. With the glorious weather, some of our residents have been out in the sun in our garden.

Quizzes, spelling and stories

On Saturday we had a fun with some quizzes – one featured general knowledge and we were amazed how much our residents knew. We also did a small spelling test with some impressive results! Our ladies and gents seemed to enjoy wrapping their heads around the spelling of the words.

We then read the story of ‘The Boy who Cried Wolf‘ and afterwards asked our residents questions on the meaning of the tale.

We also gave out a fact file all about sharks and we were all fascinated to learn that they replace a tooth when they lose one.


We had a great day of bingo over the weekend; we don’t normally play on a Saturday but one of our residents John wanted to play, so we asked everyone else and they were all for it! We ended up playing three games, with several happy winners!

Planting cress seeds

We had fun planting cress seeds on Sunday, when we got our residents to put soil into pots and scatter seeds over it. We then put them by the window and hopefully they will grow. We reminded everyone that they will have to be watered regularly and will keep you updated of progress!


Our team member Oscar enjoyed some bowling with our ladies and gents, which is always popular. It’s always super to see everyone getting involved and having fun. Well done to our winners!






